50 Ways to Wear a Scarf, by Lauren Friedman.

50 Ways to Wear a Scarf, by Lauren Friedman.

Click here to order on Amazon

So, here's the big news.

For the past year, I have labored through the formidable task of writing and illustrating a book, which is now available for preorder on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and IndieBound. It is called 50 Ways to Wear a Scarf, and I am incredibly overwhelmed and grateful to have had the opportunity to create it.

If you had told me a year ago that I would be on my way to becoming a published author, I would have laughed in your face. (And if you had told my seven-year old self, I would have nodded solemnly and asked, "when, and how?")

I am thankful for the good people at Chronicle Books, the friends, family, and loved ones who had to deal with me and my deadlines, and most importantly, for the regular visitors of My Closet in Sketches. It was because of one little post that a big thing like a book was made. I am so honored to be able to share a piece of my heart, something you can hold in your hands, a real, live, dog-ear-the-pages BOOK. About scarves! How amazing is that! To me, it's a gift to you, dear readers, for sticking around and enjoying this site after all these years.

50 Ways to Wear a Scarf will officially be shipped on February 11, but pre-order it now, and tell all your friends! The more copies the merrier!  While the book will not be available in time for the holidays, I'd recommend printing out your order and the cover and wrapping it with a beautiful scarf to gift to that special someone... (Mom? Grandma? Coworker? Fellow scarf wearer?)

February 11 will be here before we know it!

Click here to preorder on Barnes & Noble




Inside the Making of 50 Ways to Wear a Scarf

Inside the Making of 50 Ways to Wear a Scarf

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